Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just the facts

Plain and simple.
and... honest.

I am realizing I don't like change.

I have changed this past year at college.

I miss being around people that want community.

I miss being around people that want to have fun.

I miss being seconds away from everyone.I miss laughing.

I miss one specific night including a walk, pretending to be like ninjas across a church campus, then sitting looking at the view from ccv and talking about the randomist ishhh ever.

I miss those two.

I hate that I'm not as positive and optomistic as I used to be.

I'm learning that everytime I feel wise in any area I get a slap in the face to realize that I still don't know anything.

I hate coming back to Colorado and having one of my "closest friends" hating me because I didn't keep in touch good enough.

I hate having to leave a church (that is very well established and doesn't necessarily need my help), even though its not where I'm supposed to be for one that the people are awesome but everything else is going to take work.

I can't stand that I have a hard time with wanting to not have to work at church even though thats what I am going to college for.

I hate that I am one of very few that actually left California for the summer.

I miss family dinners.

I miss bike rides.

I miss being part of a group of friends.

I don't like my new phone.

I don't like that I don't have many numbers.

I'm still not sure if I like being this honest for whoever.

I miss my friends.

I want to be somewhere doing something.

I'm nervous that I won't get a 2.0.

I have an awesome family.

I want a pair of toms already.

I want to learn from my mistakes.

I hate that i'm missing out.

I am blessed to be able to work with my dad.

I know I am going to learn a lot this summer.

I know things are not only going to just be okay but they really are going to work out for good.

I miss being comfortable.

I miss being mentored.

I miss coffee house.

I cried from reading a friends post.

It hasn't even been a week.

I miss learning.

I am so blessed with the close friends that I do still have from home.

I wish I was better with confrontation.

I'm nervous for the coffee date with the girl that is pretty much set on our friendship being over.

I spend too much time thinking about my own problems, my own wishes, my own thoughts, my own dreams, my own goals.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you. And laughing together and goign on adventures in your car after jack in the box and then get freaked out thinking a house is a cemetary and then going to donut man at one in the morning and getting fresh donuts. I wana make a new video on my web cam but no one gets the humor like we do. I wana go to the ice skating rink and learn from you cuz i know your great at it. I miss playing baseball in the loop and us always repeating each others sentences over and over until we have about 20 different versions of the one sentence. I hope you smile as you read this schman and I know everything will be great for you if you know God is in control of everything. Change is going to happen no matter what comes along its just life but we learn to lean on God knowing that he has the best in mind. ya dig? I love you and I miss you sooo much... have a wonderful day at work!
